Monday, September 30, 2019

Final Act of the play Essay

Secondly Elizabeth made a sacrifice, and really showed by doing this how much she respects John Proctor as her husband. When it came to the question itself, whether John was a lecher, she waited a while before she came to a final decision as she had no idea what to say, not knowing what her husband had stated before her. Constantly looking for a sign from john across the court having no clue what he had said before her. She was nervous, but was forced to answer the question and make that final decision: She replied faintly ‘No, sir’. This answer really shows the audience how strong her love is for proctor, lying for him to save his life, doing this against her religion, condemning herself to hell however this was a choice between either her husband or her religion and chosen her husband shows how strongly she feels about him. From what she believed he had lied to but they were both court out.  Act Four is considered to be a very emotional scene and is really shown by Miller himself. The events which occur in this scene are considered gruesome and drastic and have various reactions from different characters, but mainly Elizabeth and John’s relationship and how it dramatically changes and gradually pulls together in the final Act of the play. The day in which act four starts Elizabeth is aware John is going to be hanged, and clearly states that no emotion is shown towards him, especially when talking to Dan forth about it before speaking to proctor himself. She shows this coldness, relating back to the first two scenes and makes it seem as though she’s not going to let them win against her, making it very hard for her as really underneath she knows in fact her husband is about to die before her very own eyes and there’s nothing she can do to save him, and she wants to follow what she think john would have wanted her to do for him or if he were in her shoes. Having Elizabeth and Proctor apart from each other for a period of time whilst she was taken to Salem must be hard for them as they both haven’t as of yet spoken at all to each other about what has happened. This proves to the audience there a large amount of emotion between them both which a real change from Act two were emotion between them was very low and Elizabeth’s thoughts toward Proctor weren’t anything to what they are now. Miller really uses this scene to stun the audience when seeing the couple starring into each others eyes with such needed love and emotion really showing how there relationship is some what different to before. The first thing that is stated when the conversation begins with john is ‘the child’ which straight away takes us back to the first conversation they had in act two were the general talk was about there children. The conversation continues but sentences and phrases are very short, showing a real awkward atmosphere between them which is acceptable seeing as though they haven’t spoken or even seen each other in so long. The conversation carries on and they begin to open up to each other, there speech becoming longer and idea’s coming out, such as whether john should now confess or not? Finally there reaches a point were they are coming to terms with the truth and Elizabeth and john except the fact they have ‘known each other’ deeply and that fact he can end his life knowing she was always there to support him. This is were Act four is drawing to an end, were john lifts Elizabeth and kisses her with great passion which clearly states there relationship has come together, and changed so much from act two were john kissing Elizabeth was seen as such disappointment to her but no such a romantic and emotional moment. However its not just Elizabeth feeling this passion, they both share such moment together, letting the audience really no what they both want. After this passionate moment takes place, john is taken off the scene to be hanged, and Elizabeth is there to say her last few words to support her husband’s tragic death. Elizabeth seems glad he can finally be at peace as before his life seemed always troubled and never settled. He only really had one fault that he had made in his life and that was the affair with Abigail, and from she believed was that it was because of her, this shows her true feelings for there relationship and faulting herself makes her feel that little bit better. Throughout the whole play Author Miller presents the couple in many different ways, changing the way there relationship occurs in each scene, taking both different personalities into perspective. From act two were the relationship between them both was extremely tense and uncomfortable at times around each other, but progressively throughout the play, even when times got really tough there relationship seemed to get stronger and closer, showing that when times got tough they were actually there when they needed somebody to be with them and help the through it, this really shows how all along the couple have never fallen out of love and have always had such deep feelings for each other and meant for each other and this can especially be seen in act four when there relationship had to end due to the death of john Proctor.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Purpose of Life Essay

Are you really contented with your life? Do you even know the real purpose of life here on Earth? What is your purpose for waking up everyday? Why can you hear, see, smell, talk and think? What are you here for? Every life here on Earth has their own purpose of existence. The plants, they play a huge role on maintaining the cleanliness of our planet and the air we breathe. The animals, they serve as our food and source of life. But us humans, do we know our purpose? Of course, many would say yes, but then again is that our real purpose for living? According to the book â€Å"40 days of purpose† by Rick Warren, there are consequences of not knowing your purpose. One is, without knowing your purpose life will seem tiresome. Because if you do not know your purpose and so confusion will take control of you, and when that happens you just go with the flow like the river flowing into the sea. You just go round and round and back again. Second, without knowing your purpose life will seem unfulfilling. Like the saying goes history merely repeats itself because there is no contentment, no satisfaction at all. No matter how much we have we still ask for more. Third, without knowing your purpose life will seem uncontrollable. We often do things we think is right, but actually we are being deceived by the knowledge the world has put into us and not by our own knowledge that God has given us. But on the other hand, if you will know your purpose of living, there are also benefits from it. First, knowing the purpose of your life will give your life focus. Just like in a team, every team has one purpose and that is to attain a certain goal. Next is, knowing the purpose of your life will simply your life. In here comes fulfillment, contentment, joy and satisfaction. Third, knowing the purpose of your life will increase motivation in your life. Every good and bad things that happen in this world has a reason and a purpose, and it’s for us to find out. We only need to strive, work and be patient to discover it. Lastly, knowing the purpose of your life will prepare you for eternity. We all know that nothing is permanent in this world, we will all die in the future. But the question is are we ready when that time comes? Are we able to comply with the purpose where God has placed us? If you feel tired, unfulfilled and uncontrollable then it means that you are still in the process of knowing your purpose. But, if you are focused, living a simple life, motivated and prepared for the future, for eternity then you are living the purpose of God in your life. And so are you living with the purpose or are you leaving your purpose? Thank you! And God bless!

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Human Sexuality- Prostitution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words - 1

Human Sexuality- Prostitution - Essay Example Out of this the aspect of sociological context is the most important of all because every move made by an individual is done as a part of the social structure and defining the social trends relating to sexuality and intimacy would yield the result concerning pornography. Fundamentally, it could be stated that the answers lies in the different sociological factors that has dominant influence on the human mind in relation to pornography like prostitution, adolescent malfunction, marriage, concept of love, homosexuality and various sexual perversions. It could be stated that the history of pornography can be traced back to the site of prostitution. It should be remembered that during the excavation at the site of Pompeii a roman brothel was found which an all kind of sexual activities depicted on the wall. One of them included a man having sexual act with a goat and several had polygamous scenario. In another site in India near Tamluk several terracotta plates were excavated that has varieties of sexual orientations engraved on it including woman having sexual act with a dog or fox. That site was identified as a brothel. Though the sex manual of 400 AD India (Crooks, 2005) was not pornography but a philosophy concerning sexuality, it should be remembered that the site of this text was a brothel in Pataliputra. Thus the connection between pornography and prostitution could be well established. It is obvious that the establishment of prostitution was often implemented by the local rulers for various motives but it is true at the sam e time that these prostitutions only yielded detrimental effects on the society by harvesting different sexual disease like syphilis more often than not.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Military Tradition of Ancient People Research Paper

Military Tradition of Ancient People - Research Paper Example The Mongol people had historically transformed from hunters and gatherers to nomadic herdsmen, and adopted numerous religious faiths within the leadership and its pollution, due to the vast interaction with people from neighboring territories. There is always an argument over the success of the Mongols army torn between quantity and quality in their functions, but the fact remains that they were well equipped and skilled for any conquest, being contributed by their geographical locations and effective political leadership to coordinate the military. The military force was organized effectively to accomplish the objectives of the empire; the Mongols culture, politics, and geographical locations played a big role to shape the strategic intelligence of the military, though the religious freedom among them paved way for the expansion of the empire as well as its decline. Geographical Location Mongolia is historically known to have been situated in the northern area of China and on the Ea st of the Altai Mountains. 1The region was a high plateau, covered with grass, which was sufficient for their herds grazing and associated with the successive emergence of ancient Mongolia tribesmen, to attack their sedentary neighbors. Therefore, as a way of life, the Mongols people were used to operating in the open grassland field that stretched from central parts of Europe into Asia. From the experience of horse riding in such fields, the nomads’ lifestyle on the steppes and the struggles they faced each day for survival came to shape the Mongolian forces that consisted the people from the steppe. According to 2Barnes, unlike the other European knights who were considered professionally trained, the Mongolian warriors or Mongolian force had experienced a tough lifestyle having to fight against each other and nature, to become hardy people before contributing to their abilities as warriors. As a result of their nomadic lifestyle, they taught their children how to ride hors es on the steppes, while grazing the animals at an early age. 3Meaning the children grew up with better skills in (horsemanship) riding, managing, and gallops. This was effective in their future armies’ movement across the different terrains, since their horses were strong to withstand the different conditions in vast lands, weather, and even their feed. The advantage of the steppes and the horse riding across them, and different lands patterns in the vast geographical regions, made both the horses and the riders develop legendary endurance to accomplish the objective of the Mongols army at any invasion. According to 4Carlton, the Mongols army appeared to move twice the pace of their enemies and often victorious, even if they were at a disadvantage than their opponents to achieve success. It simply means that their bodies had adjusted to harsh conditions, and could even travel for long distances without food or having to carry lot of bulky food. It follows the theory of evolu tion to winning the battle for survival, which associates sensory experience and environmental forces to improving the knowledge. Their experience in horse riding had made them become like natural horse riders providing them a high degree of flexibility and speed into distant territories. 5Barner further mentions that the riding skills were an advantage to them, such

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Employee Relations concepts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Employee Relations concepts - Essay Example The grievance redressal procedure of an organization enables employees to air their dissatisfaction. It is important that organization has an effective grievance redressal system. This helps the organization to solve problems at the level of an individual rather than have them result in industrial unrest. Keeping track of employee grievances also helps an organization check its policies and procedures to avoid similar problems in the future and at the same time maintain good and relations with its employees. Grievances can arise out of the day-to-day working relations in an undertaking. Relations with supervisors and other colleagues also determine employee's job satisfaction. According to the National Commission on Labour, "the complaints affecting one or more individual workers in respect of their wage payments, overtime, leave, transfer, promotion, seniority, work assignment and discharge would constitute grievances." Such grievances, if not dealt with immediately and in accordance with a procedure that secures the respect of all parties, can result in climate of industrial conflict. In the absence of a grievance redressal system, an employee could either keep his dissatisfaction to himself or share it with his colleagues. ... Denial of leave, overtime or other benefits. Grievance Redressal Procedure - The Need There are a number of advantages that accrue to an organization because of its grievance redressal procedure. In the absence of a grievance redressal system, an employee could either keep his dissatisfaction to himself or share it with his colleagues. If an employee has not means of expressing his dissatisfaction, he will get frustrated and this would affect his performance. If he chooses to share his grievances with his colleagues, it could lead to unpleasantness and an unhealthy work environment. It might even lead to industrial unrest. If the settlement of the grievance at the first level does not satisfy the employee, he can approach the next level. The employee is given more than one opportunity in an effective redressal procedure. Grievance procedures keep a check on arbitrary actions. As a result, supervisors usually do not indulge in biased decisions. They are apprehensive of the employees approaching higher levels of management in order to redress their grievances. Grievance procedures help in upward communication. Employees are free to express their discontentment, problems or frustrations to the top management. By this, the top management becomes increasingly aware of the problems of the employees. Previous knowledge and experience, captured in the grievance redressal system, helps the management when formulating major plans like plant expansion or installation of latest technology. The management can take into consideration the problems that may be encountered by the employees. A good grievance redressal system helps to maintain harmonious industrial relations as employee grievances are settled before they turn into industrial conflicts. Trade

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Beowulf Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Beowulf - Essay Example The epic portrays that Beowulf's tact in his successive parleys with the Danes he met as he made his way to Heorot seemed to be evidence for his own awareness of this potential tension. The Danes must determine whether the Geat is nothing but a wandering showoff and braggart, coming fordolgilpe and forwlenco, out of foolish boastfulness and pride. If he is, it would be truly humiliating for them to betray their own desperate need for help by treating such a heroic charlatan with respect. Thus, even if Beowulf's very well-chosen words had placated some of the Danes, it is likely that not all were ready to embrace the visitor. Unferth's sharp challenge of Beowulf may thus dramatically fill a psychological need for the Danes as a whole. At the least, taking Unferth as the spokesman for many Danes obviates any necessity to explain why they show no disapproval of his challenge to Beowulf. In this scene his only speech, the challenge to Beowulf, is no brag. There Unferth makes the charge t hat it is Beowulf who is an empty braggart with a low heroic credit rating, whereas Breca, Beowulf's competitor in the swimming-race, is not (Berger and Leicester 39). The character of Beowulf is shaped by the heroic world he is a part. ... Necessary is precisely what Beowulf's death is (Guerber 267). The epic says: They felled the enemy -- courage drove out his life -- and they both then had succeeded in destroying him, those noble kinsmen. That is how a fighting-man should be, a retainer in time of need! (2706-09a) Beowulf's hero is expressed in the quality of such past actions, because that is after all probably the point of bringing them in. Following Guerber (1966) if readers make this latter judgment, they must blame him for scorning any help and for risking all on the chance of one more survival in a lucky lifetime series. If readers are to take this pattern of behavior in a Christian context at all, it is more likely that the poem is suggesting that he was allowed, by some higher power, even by the God himself, to survive those earlier tight places in order to win his last victory. The character of Beowulf and his heroic nature is portrays through contrasts and oppositions. The contrast is between passive behavior and what readers see in old Beowulf's behavior when the dragon attacks. Beowulf first has a moment of guilt that he might have done something wrong, broken some law, after which he is completely ready to meet a personal attack with all the strength at his command. Hrothgar merely grumbles that God could easily have stopped Grendel long before. The hero is here suggesting teamwork or shared labor between himself and deity. By maiming Grendel Beowulf has put a mark on him, just as God once marked the ancestor Cain. Both dark figures must now face the bright Lord. But the key to this close relationship is that it is active collaboration (Guerber 267). On the sword-guards of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Interest Groups and their Influence on the Making of Public Policy Research Paper

Interest Groups and their Influence on the Making of Public Policy - Research Paper Example The composition of interest groups depends on the issues that the groups are concerned with. Examples of the interest groups are business organizations, labor unions, gender, professional associations, religious and public interest groups, and occupational groups. The impact of the interest groups depends on two factors: if the elected officials and bureaucratic agents are, championing public policies considered by the interest groups. Secondly, it depends on if the interest groups can be able to form organized groups through which they can lobby and influence public policies that are consistent with their mission and vision statements (Asare, 2009). Interest groups tend to thrive in a pluralistic environment and conflict ensuing from this environment translates to compromise and bargaining among the interest groups with the policymakers and the politicians. A review of literature evidence that these groups have been given names ranging from iron triangles, epistemic communities, advocacy coalition frameworks, and policy subsystem, issue, and policy networks. Though they are diverse groups, they all sought to influence the public policy in the areas they were envisioned to represent (Asare, 2009). The American government has classified the types of interest groups into three main classes based on their mission and composition: economic, public, and single use. Economic groups are aimed at providing economic benefit to their members. Examples are professional associations, business, and labor organizations. Business interest group examples are United States Chamber of Commerce, National Association of Manufacturers. An example of labor interest groups is The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), the Teamster, the United Auto Workers (UAW). Professional groups in this category include the American Bar Association (ABA), American Medical Association (AMA), and the Screen Actors Guild (SAS) (American Government).

Monday, September 23, 2019

Facebook Financial evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Facebook Financial evaluation - Essay Example It is today headquartered in Palo Alto, California. In the year 2011, Facebook recorded revenues of $1.5 billion and was considered the largest for a venture capital raised by private equities (Annual Report, 2012). This remarkable return was attributed to engaging in partnership, advertising and analytics business. In addition, the company had been experimenting video streaming rentals and daily coupons and deals that have also proved potential areas for growth. This essay evaluates Facebook financial statements by reviewing the following financial ratios: a) current ratio, b) inventory ratio, c) debt to equity ratio, d) net profit margin, e) return on equity, and f) price earnings ratio to determine its performance between year 2010 and 2012. Current ratio This ratio determines firm’s ability to take care of short-term obligations. The higher the ratio, the more capable the company is to off-set its obligations and the lower the ratio the lower chances to meet short-term fin ancial obligations (Brigham & Houston, 2001). Current ratio= current assets/ current liabilities Details 2012 2011 2010 Current Assets 11,267 4,604 2,762 Current Liabilities 1,052 899 978 Current Ratio 10.71 5.12 2.82 The ratio has been on the increase from year 2010 at 2.82 to 10.71 in year 2012. This indicates that Facebook capacity to pay its short-term obligations has been on the rise (Eljelly, 2004). In addition, the company’s cash reserves have increased as well as its marketable securities. However, the current liabilities have increased at a reduced rate over the three years compared to increase in current assets. Inventory ratio This ratio indicates the number of times a firm’s inventory is sold and replaced over a given period. Low turnover shows poor sales, hence excess inventory whereas high ratio indicates effective buying or strong sales. Inventory turnover= sales/ Inventory Details 2012 2011 2010 Revenues 5,089 3,711 1,974 Inventory 0 0 0 Inventory turno ver ratio 0 0 0 In this case, the ratio is not applicable since the organization does not deal with physical stocks. Facebook engages in sale of services and hence stock does not form part of its financials. Debt to equity ratio This ratio measures Facebook financial leverage by dividing all the liabilities by stockholders equity. The ratio indicates the part of equity and debt the company has applied to finance its assets. Debt/ Equity ratio= Total liabilities/ Shareholders Equity A high ratio indicates that a company finances its growth with excess debt capital, hence leading to volatile earnings due to high interest expense (Campbell, Hilscher & Szilagyi, 2008). Basically, if a company’s operations are financed mainly through debt capital, the company may generate more earnings meaning it will have enough resources to cover costs of debt and also a return for shareholders. In the table below, it is evident that Facebook has consistently maintained equal portions (29%) of b oth debt and shareholders’ equity to finance it assets. Details 2012 2011 2010 Total Liabilities 3,348 1,432 1,002 Shareholders’ Equity 11,755 4,899 3,429 Debt/Equity Ratio 0.29 or 29% 0.29 or 29% 0.29 or 29% Net profit margin Net profit margin ratio shows the level of business profitability. It is computed using after-tax income that is then divided by revenue amount. Basically, the ratio indicates sales amount that is left after all expenses have been settled. Further, it

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Shark Finning Should Be Stopped Essay Example for Free

Shark Finning Should Be Stopped Essay Shark Finning Should Be Stopped Nowadays, over 73 million of sharks of various species are being caught and killed worldwide each year due to the increasing demand for shark fin. Shark finning is the behavior where fishermen cut off the shark’s fin and throw the bodied back to the ocean aimed to get the maximum profit. Decades ago, when shark fin became the status symbols, the demand of it is increasing rapidly. Despite the high profit of shark fin trade, however, sharks finning should be stopped aim to meet the requirement for natural resources in next generation. In this essay, I will argue why the shark finning should be stopped. The first reason why shark finning should be stopped is that shark species is one necessary part of ecosystems. Sharks are the top level species of the marine ecological pyramids and related to humanity closely. It means that sharks enjoy the important position of maintaining the marine ecosystems. If there are a huge amount of sharks be killed, it will lead to quite a large number of small and medium-sized fishes loss of natural enemies and growing rapidly, thus seriously destroy the balance of marine ecosystems. For example, the decrease of sharks in Tasmania has led to the significant increase of the octopus, due to the octopuses prey on lobsters, the fisheries in that area has crumbled. Sharks are the dominant part which can remove the diseased animals and maintain the balance of predators and prey in marine ecosystems. Furthermore, marine ecosystems are significant to globe environment, although scientists haven’t find out the fully impacts of shark’s extinction for humanity, there is obviously that the global disaster is coming. Furthermore, shark finning should be stopped not only due to shark finning will harm for shark species but also bad for humanity. Shark fin trade has attractive profit but humanity will pay a lot for shark’s extinction more than the profits they can earn. Besides the effects of shark finning in ecosystems, scientist also mentioned that shark fin contain high levels of mercury which can directly damage the central nervous system. According to Eilperin (2011), While many consumersespecially in Chinaview shark meat and fins as nutritious, sharks are likely to contain high levels of mercury because they are large, slow-growing fish that consume other fish as their prey, which allows mercury to build up in their muscle tissues. (p. 78) It’s obviously that shark fin has symbolized wealth ince hundred years ago; its value is in psychology instead in physics. There is no doubt that shark fin as the luxury food symbol in tradition society, is predicted to place rising pressure on available resources based on the expanding consumer purchasing capability (Clarke et al. , 2007). Due to the fact that shark finning is the behavior not only harm for environment but bad for humanity, it should be stopped and banned immediately. As I mentioned before, after the shark fin be cut off, the body of shark which is basically worthless will be threw back to the ocean. And the shark which has lost their measure of mobility will be taken by other species or bleeds to death (Jennifer, n. d. ). So you may ask why people do not use the entire shark to gain more profit, but the answer, which is no doubt that shark’s fin soup is the best tool of gaining highest profit. Shark’s meat and bone are not be focused by fishermen and business men but shark fin. Since several hundred years age, shark fin soup already became the necessary dish in the big events even though the price of shark fin soup is 100 dollar or more for a bowl. And the demand of shark fin is constant growing although it charges a high price. For instance, the shark fin trade is steady increasing in five percent per year in the late 1990s (with the exception of 1998 when the Asian financial crisis caused depressing sales) and the beginning of twenty-first century (Eilperin, 2010). Though the large amount of shark fin soup, a dish without cooking value and taste, we can know that it is just symbol, no substance. Actually, the pursuit of shark fin is a sightless and erroneous mentality which has lasted a long time especially in China. As the saying goes frugality is a virtue, shark finning as a stunning extravagant behavior should be stopped and banned. With the growing economics technology in China even in the world, people have more qualifications to concerned about their health and environment protection; therefore, people should be more rational to consider the cost of shark finning. As the valued traditional Chinese lifestyle, balance and moderation also can be used to take pride and honor in rebuilding a balance to ecosystem by quitting shark finning (Why shark fin, n. d. ).

Saturday, September 21, 2019

For those not familiar with this storyline Essay Example for Free

For those not familiar with this storyline Essay For those not familiar with this storyline, Romeo + Juliet is just your average boy-meets-girl, boy-and-girl-fall-hopelessly-in-love, boy-kills-girls-cousin, girl-feigns-death, boy-and-girl-commit-suicide plot. Not one to watch with a box of chocolates and a boyfriend bonfire, but a box of tissues may well be needed. Director Baz Lehrmann chooses to set this epic in Mexico, a perfect modern backdrop for the violent gangland culture Shakespeares script conveys in a modern context. The two families-the Capulets and the Montegues- are beautifully contrasted; the lighthearted Montegues in open Hawaiian shirts, against the tight black clad Capulet boys sporting many gold accessories. These two groups of arch nemeses are, however, united by their mutual habit of openly wearing guns with such flair and style they could easily pass as a fashion accessory, rather than an accessory to murder. In the prologue the role traditionally played by the chorus is adopted by a real life U. S anchorwoman. The prologue is so turned into a news bulletin. You are literally drawn in to the film as the shot slowly zooms in on the television showing the newsreader, before the shot hurtles down a metropolitan street, dragging the audience, with trailing stomachs, behind it. Lehrmann captivates his audience from the outset with a visually stunning repeat of his prologue, utilising imagery from the whole film and conveying the entire storyline in under a minute. Contrary to what you may think, this in fact draws the viewer into the film. The imagery used in the prologue directly links to and supports the words in the scripted opening, and translates them into the modern context. Two houses, both alike in dignity is represented by two giant skyscrapers either side of a road, one bearing a huge sign saying Capulet, the other Montague. As Romeo, Dicaprio shows the full depth of his acting ability. From lovelorn-Did my heart love til now? to murderous Either thou or I or both must go with him and back down again through all the levels of shock, anxiety, and of course suicidal. Clare Danes gives a beautiful portrayal of young innocent Juliet. Her facial expressions are convincing and manage to wordlessly express every feeling perfectly. Her lines are also delivered with huge compassion and emotion. Danes along with Dicaprio shows a huge variety in her performance, keeping a wide audience interested in a script labelled by many as boring. This is not the first time modern directors have messed around with the star crossd lovers. Most notably Bernsteins all singing all dancing West Side Story, but also China Girls and-more loosely- Romeo Must Die. However, this is the first modern adaptation to stick with Shakespeares script. Lehrmann has obviously had to make cuts in the text for the sake of the length of the film, but the dialogue he leaves in is fantastically effective. This spunked up version a timeless classic engrosses a viewer of any age from the outset, and keeps its grip almost complete through to hugely moving finale. Even staunch traditionalists must see that dragging this dusty play kicking and screaming in to a twentieth century riddled with guns, drugs, and rock n roll has revived it in a way no amount of Lawrence Olivier ever could.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Internship with MCB Bank Limited

Internship with MCB Bank Limited Executive Summary MCB was built-in in 1997 and was later on privatized by the Government of Pakistan. The Nishat Group bought the major shares of the bank and got the rights to control the banks operations. After the privatization of the bank, MCB has executed different policies to make it one of the best banks of Pakistan; they introduce new products and services and increase its operations by opening new branches in Pakistan. Internship training is necessary for the degree of MBA as per HEC requirement. It is necessary for me to complete an internship session of about 6 to 8 weeks in any organization. I have chosen the banking sector because its my priority to get the job in banking sector and its also relevant to my area of interest and specialization. I did my eight weeks internship at MCB Morgah branch, Rawalpindi. My work at MCB was truly an interesting experience. The branch I have chosen for internship is not a very big branch it has only four departments which includes customer service department, clearing department, remittance department and cash department.I have work in all the departments but major work in done in first three departments as internee is not allowed to work freely in cash department as per the rule of the bank. This report gives an insight of the departments in which I work.In MCB different types of accounts are opened according to the needs of customers. During my internship project for MCB I experienced many new things that I had never experienced before being a student, this document provided details of my achievements in term of practical implementation and understanding of working environment in MCB. I have also learnt the work of the photocopier as I am assisting the officers so its in my duties to d o the photocopy as requested. I would like to highlight this that my experience with MCB was very memorable and full of learning, where I found a lot of information.MCB is amongst the pioneer in introducing the new technology-based banking services. The human resource department of MCB is playing an important role in its growth. INTRODUCTION 1.1 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF MCB MCB is among the leading banks of Pakistan who has deposit base of Rs. 400 Billion and total assets over Rs.600 Billion. Built-in 1947, MCB soon earned the name of a solid and conservative financial institution controlled by the expatriate executives. In 1974, MCB was nationalized.The Bank has a customer base of approximately 4 million, a nationwide distribution network of over 1,150 branches and over 600 ATMs in the market. MCB Bank Limited which was previously known as Muslim Commercial Bank Limited is not an overnight success story. It was integrated by the Adamjee Group on July 11, 1947 under the Indian Companies Act, VII of 1913 as a private limited company. The bank was established with a view to provide banking facilities to the business people of the South Asia. After the partition of the Indo-Pak subcontinent, the bank moved to Dhaka from where it commenced business in August 1948. In 1956, the bank shifted its registered office to Karachi. Thus, the bank inherits a 60 years legacy of belief of its customers. MCB was the first bank which is privatized in 1991 the bank was purchased by Nishat Group. Nishat Group is one of the leading business groups in Pakistan. Mian Mohammad Mansha is the Chairman of the group he has played active role in success of MCB. In acknowledgment of Mr. Manshas contribution, the Government of Pakistan has awared him with Sitara-e-Imtiaz, which is one of the most prestigious civil awards of the country. 1.2 OBJECTIVES OF MCB C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorMy DocumentsMy PicturesMission_Insert_globe.jpg 1.2.1 VISION STATEMENT To be the leading financial services provider, partnering with our customers for a more prosperous and secure future 1.2.2 MISSION STATEMENT We are a team of committed professionals, providing innovative and efficient financial solutions to create and nurture long-term relationships with our customers. In doing so, we ensure that our shareholders can invest with confidence in us. 1.2.3 CORE VALUES OF MCB The core values of MCB are as fallows 1.3 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE For successful handling of the branches, MCB has been categorized into three segments with different people handling each category. These categories are: Corporate Banking Commercial Banking Consumer Banking 1.3.1 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF MCB SEGMENT WISE MANAGEMENT OF MCB MIAN MOHAMMAD MANSHA CHAIRMAN S.M. MUNEER V CHAIRMAN MOHAMMAD AFTAB MANZOOR C EXECUTIVE TARIQ RAFI DIRECTOR SHEIKH MUKHTAR AHMED DIRECTOR MOHAMMAD ARSHAD DIRECTOR SHAHZAD SALEEM DIRECTOR RAZA MANSHA DIRECTOR SARMAD AMIN DIRECTOR MIAN UMER MANSHA DIRECTOR OVERSEAS BRANCHES MCB has seven overseas branches furthermore, the bank has some proposals under consideration to open more branches in some European countries and as well as in Japan china TOTAL NO OF BRANCHES 7 COLOMBO 1 MARDANA 1 PETTAH 1 OBU BAHRAIN 1 WELLAWATTE 1 EPZ 1 KANDY 1 1.4 PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OF MCB PHONE BANKING MCB SMART CARD MOBILE BANKING MCB TRAVELLER CHEQUES SMS BANKING MCB MONEYGRAM CORPORATE FINANCING MCB INVESTMENT BANKING MCB FULL DAY BANKING MCB TRANSACTION BANKING MCB LOCKERS MCB SAVING 365 ACCOUNT MCB REMIT EXPRESS MCB SAVING XTRA ACCOUNT MCB ISLAMIC BANKING MCB CURRENT ACCOUNT MCB INTERNET BANKING MCB BUSINESS ACCOUNT MCB EASY BILL PAY MCB FOREIGN CURRENCY ACCOUNT MCB CAR 4 U MCB WORKING CAPITAL MCB ATM MCB DIMINISHING MUSHARIKA(NEW) MCB VISA PLATIUM MCB GURANTEE(NEW) MCB PRIVILIGE BANKING MCB ISTISNA POST SHIPMET(NEW) MCB BANCASSURANCE MCB DREAM WEDDING MCB RETIRE EASY MCB PROTECTION PLAN MCB LIFE PARTNER MCB DYNAMIC CASH FUND MCB KHUSHALI BACHAT ACCOUNT MCB BASIC BANKING ACCOUNT MCB PRIVATE LIMITED ACCOUNT MCB PUBLIC LIMITED ACCOUNT 2. LEARNING AND EXPERIENCE 2.1 INETERNSHIP SELECTION AND RATIONALE FOR SELECTION Internship training program during Master in Business administration Program is necessary for the degree of MBA as per HEC requirement. It is compulsory for me to do internship of about 6 to 8 weeks in any organization. I have chosen the banking sector because I want to gain the practical knowledge about the finance and its in my priority to get the job in bank and its also relevant to my area of interest and specialization. I choose MCB because of its prestigious name and reputation. Another solid reason of choosing MCB is that my Uncle is also working in MCB, so I have a reference too. 2.2 INFORMATION ABOUT MY BRANCH I did my internship in MCB Morgah, Rawalpindi whose branch code is (1389).This branch is previously known as Al-Shifa Branch because this branch is previously in Al-Shifa Eye Hospital recently it was shifted out of the hospital to main Morgah Chowk. This branch is not a very big branch having only four main departments. This is ONLINE branch but have no ATM is installed on it. Its main account holders include Pakistan Oil Field, Fauji Foundation University it has both students fees bill account and faculty accounts. 2.2.1 MANAGEMENT OF MY BRANCH Mr. ABDUL GHAFOOR BRANCH MANAGER Mr. BASEER NASIR OPERATIONAL MANAGER Mr. HAMMAD CLEARING OFFICER Mr. MOHSIN CASH OFFICER Mr. MANSOOR-UL-HASSAN MARKETING OFFICER Miss BEENISH G/L OFFICER Mr. ARSHAD SECURITY GUARD 2.2.2 DEPARTMENTS IN WHICH I WORK I did internship in the MCB online branch for the period of 2 months. During the internship, I have worked at different departments, which are as follows, Customer Service Department Clearing Department Remittance Department Cash Department. 2.2.3 MY JOB DISCRIPTION My job is to assists the staff members of the branch at different positions. I have not given any separate job and no separate task has been assigned to me. I helped the staff in the routine matters like filling of different forms, cheque filling, photocopying, opening of an account, stamping on vouchers etc Bank is a very difficult type of organization and a very sensitive place to work; confidentiality and trust is essential. That is the reasons due to which many areas are still reach less for internees like cash operations, computer operations and issues like that. 2.3 DETAILS OF TRAINING DEPARTMENT WISE 2.3.1 CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT In this department I was under the supervision of Mr. Mohsin, who is Customer Relational Officer. In this department Mr. Mohsin has taught me how to deal with the customers, how to fill the account opening forms, KYC forms and to check the balance from the SYMBOL software though I am not allowed checking the balance because of secrecy problems. LEARNING TASKS PERFORMED IN CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT: The major task performed by me in this department is that I have opened the accounts of faculty members of FAUJI FOUNDATION UNIVERSITY by personally visiting the university. I have learnt about the opening of an account, the documents required for the opening of the account i.e Personal ID card, Next of kin ID card, valid mailing address, Salary slip in case of salaried person, NTN in case of business account etc I have come to know about the nature of different accounts and come to know that which account is suitable for which type of the customer like BBA account for salaried persons. How to communicate with the customers and tell the customer about his/her quires and tell the customer about the new products and services offered by the bank. I have learnt how to check the balance from the SYMBOL software though I am not allowed to check the balance in the absence of CRO. How to write a cheque, fill the deposit slip for the cheque and to fill the form for the ONLINE transfer of fund. How to tell the balance on the telephone after proper verification. How to reactivate the Dormant Account. I have learnt about the procedure for the issuance of ATM card. How to maintain the ATM cards in proper order. 2.3.2 CLEARING DEPARTMENT In clearing department I worked under the supervision of Mr. Hammad and learned a lot from him I have learnt about the inward and outward clearing. MEANING OF CLEARING In clearing the banks exchange cheques and other negotiable instruments drawn on each other within a specific area and in this manner safe payment for their customers through the Clearing House at precise time in an well-organized way. PARTIES INVOLVED IN CLEARING There are basically two parties involved in clearing. 1. NIFT: NIFT stands for National Institutional Facilitation Technologies. It is the facility given by the SBP to a private organization named NIFT. The duties of the NIFT includes, to collect the cheques, demand drafts, Pay orders and Travelers Cheques, etc. from all the branches of different banks within city through its carriers and send them to the branches for clearing. 2. CLEARING HOUSE: It is a place where cheques are presented, collected from the bank branch. It is one of the services provided by NIFT to other commercial banks. NIFT acts as a clearinghouse. TYPES OF CLEARING: There are basically two types of clearing. OUTWARD CLEARING: In outward clearing when cheque is received two copies of voucher are prepared, one c opy and instruments along with clearing stamp, realization stamp, add list and two vouchers of clearing abstract are sent to NIFT INWARD CLEARING: In Inward clearing instruments received from NIFT are posted in Computers after checking. INSTRUMENTS USED FOR CLEARING Following are the Instruments used in clearing department. Transfer, Transfer Delivery, Clearing, Cheque collection Pay in slip. DIFFERENT REASONS OF CHEQUES DISHONOUR FROM CLEARING In inward clearing sometimes cheques are not passed due to some reasons then cheques are sent back to NIFT along with cheque return memo. Some of these reasons are Cheque is returned because some time it is incomplete Cheque is returned if the clearing stamp is required. One another main reason of cheques return is incompleteness or difference in Drawers sign from specimen One reason of returning of cheque is that drawer stop the payment. Cheques are also returned because of insufficient funds etc. LEARNING IN CLEARING DEPARTMENT: My learning in clearing department was of following things: I have learnt about the clearing procedure, types of clearing inward outward clearing. I have learnt how to check the cheques. I have learnt the different reasons of returning of cheques from NIFT. I have learnt how to prepare the sheets for clearing. I have learnt how to maintain clearing register. I have also learnt about the instruments used in clearing. I have come to know that the cheques are cleared on the next day. Once the NIFT department collect the instruments, any instruments received after that will be cleared after two days. 2.3.3 REMITTANCE DEPARTMENT Bank Alfalah Remittance MEANING OF REMITTANCE: Remittance is the transfer of resources from one place to another or from one person to another. It is an important facility provided by the banks to its customers as well as to its non-customers. Since it is not a free service it is a source of income for the bank. In Morgah branch the head of Remittance Department is Mr Hammad. PARTIES INVOLVED IN REMITTANCE The following four parties are involved in remittance are Remitter Remittee Issuing bank Paying bank TYPES OF REMITTANCE: Remittance is classified into following four types INWARD REMITTANCE: The instruments received for payment OUTWARD REMITTANCE: Instruments issues to the responding branches. INLAND REMITTANCE: Those instruments which are issue within the country. FOREIGN REMITTENCE: Instruments issue from one country to another country. INSTRUMENTS USED IN REMITTANCE: Demand Draft (DD) Telegraphic Transfer (TT) Pay Order (PO) Call Deposit Receipt (CDR) Rupees Traveler Cheque (RTC) MY LEARNING IN REMITTANCE DEPARTMENT: I have learned the following tasks in this department, My learning includes how to fill the forms of TT, DD, MT etc. I have worked during the Holy month of Ramzan. Zakat is deducted in this month so the bank gives the facility of CDR to its loyal customers who dont want to give zakat. I have also learnt how to make (CDR). I have learnt about the different instruments used in remittance. I have come to know about the different types of remittance. 2.3.4 CASH DEPARTMENT C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorMy Documentsdollar-pakistan.jpg The cash department is the most important and confidential department of the bank. In cash department both cash deposits and withdrawals go side by side. In this department I havent perform any task but I have learnt different thing about this department. This department is involved in two activities Cash Deposits and Cash payments. The officers in this department are called tellers and there are two tellers in Morgah branch Mr. Ahsan and Mr. Sabir. The Books maintained in the cash department are as fallow Cash Receipt Book Cash Payment Book Cash Balance Book MY LEARNING IN CASH DEPARTMENT I have not performed any task in this department but my learning in cash department includes In this department I come to know about the Strong Room. Strong room is the room where cash is deposited and stored. The keys of this room are kept by Manager, Operational Manager and the cashier. MCB has three categories of cash which are Sorted Cash, Soiled Cash and Unsorted Cash. Sorted cash is issued to the customer, soiled cash is basically destroyed cash which is not issue to customer but sent to state bank for reissuance. Every Bank has a cash limit which it can store after banking hours like in Morgah branch cash limit is 5 Millions. This amount of cash is insured by the state bank. I have learnt to fill the deposit slip and how to write a cheque for cash withdrawal. The cheque books are kept in the strong room. Internees are not allowed to go in this room. SWOT ANALYSIS OF MCB C:UsersusmanDesktopswot_img2.gif 2.3.1 INTERNAL ANALYSIS OF MCB Internal analysis of the MCB is the analysis of its strengths and weaknesses. MCB can enjoy Competitor advantage on other by increasing its strength and by making strategies to minimize its weakness; Following are the main strengths and weaknesses of MCB. STRENGTHS OF MCB: Strength can be defined as an area where a company is best at doing something as its competitors do. MCB enjoys the following strengths MCB was the first privatized bank because of which it has competitive advantage over other nationalized banks as it is free to make any market oriented strategy without political and government pressure. MCB is that it is the oldest private bank that has more than 1100 branches with online branches approx 650. It is the third largest bank in Pakistan. MCB is a well traditional bank who has a long record of over 60 years of experience and profitable operation. In MCB the default rate of the customers are very low than other banks like (The bank of Punjab) etc. MCB was the first bank who introduced e-banking and its Traveler cheques have been market leader for the past seven years MCB has cope with the challenges of latest technology by introducing the products like Virtual banking, Mobile banking etc. MCB has been updated with the market. MCB have diversification of products and services for every type of customers like Privilege account, Debit card, Visa card, Car financing ,Agriculture financing etc MCB invest large about of money on training and development of employees so as to make them talented enough to cope up with the upcoming challenges. MCB has the competitive advantage on the other banks because of its reputation as Award Winning Bank. MCB win the award of Best Domestic Bank in 2000 and 2001 by euro money. MCB now make a contract with Cirrus who is a subsidiary of MasterCard. This contract with Cirrus will enable the ATM card holder to use his account even when he is out of the country. MCB have faster banking services that are making it more prominent in the banking industry especially in Operations and Foreign exchange. The customer prefers this bank not only because of its faster speedy service rather due to reasonable service charges. MCB not only provides high quality services but it also look for the comfort and ease of the clients, MCB always preferred their customers. WEAKNESS OF MCB: Weakness is defined as an area in a company where the company is not as good at doing something as its competitors do. MCB has the following weaknesses In MCB most of the employees lack administrative training as they are not properly educated. Due to seniority, they have moved up to the Grade-I, II or III positions having hardly masters degrees. Most of the senior staffs are computer shy and unable to operate the computers because of which they cannot apply the modern and innovative techniques of management in decision making. The advertisement campaign of MCB is very weak or you can say you hardly see any advertisement. They have to focus on this aspect as electronic media make great impact on the customers mind as the latest marketing campaign of HBL in which they have used a very famous character of Mr Bean. MCB should advertise about their products so that customer gets aware about their products. As recently MCB become Centralized which have positives as well as negative aspects as now for account opening form is sent to Head Office Karachi because of which customers have to wait a lot and the account opening procedure become so much tougher that customers prefer to open their accounts to other banks whose account opening procedure is easier. Another weakness of MCB is the Favouritism and Nepotism in recruitment or you can say it is the weakness of almost every organization in Pakistan but for betterment of MCB they have to recruit the employees on the basis of merit. The overseas branch network of MCB is limited. It has only seven overseas branches whereas HBL has twenty overseas branches and NBP has fifteen overseas branches so MCB has to open more branches so as to compete with its competitors. The employees in MCB are not satisfied with the reward system. Rewards should be given after the performance appraisal. Employees of MCB at branch level are not rightly motivated to do their work with full concentration they take the all routine activities as a boring job. The ATM network of MCB is largest ATM network in Pakistan but still there are certain areas that dont have the ATM. Most of the branches of MCB are computerized but still there are some important branches that dont have computers. The software used by MCB for online purpose is SYMBOL which is excellent but sometime because of link down or disconnection many customers face problems. Another main issue which the employees of MCB face is regarding the work timing. On record the work time is from 9 to 5 but officially they usually go home after 7 or even after 8 because of which their productivity decreases. There is no separate time for launch because of which the employees health and efficiency decreases. 2.3.2 EXTERNAL ANALYSIS OF MCB MCB has to monitor its environment constantly to cope up with new developments and changes in the environment. A change in the external environment may be either an opportunity or threat. In either case the MCB has to properly use it strengths to avail the opportunities and avoid or minimize the off-putting effects of threats. Following are the main opportunities and threats of MCB. OPPURTUNITES OF MCB: In MCB context following are the opportunities MCB have MCB can boost its Rupee Travellers Cheques (RTCs) sales by searching for new market segments. MCB can launch new debit card system or can convert the existing ATM cards into a complete debit card. Leasing sector in Pakistan is growing rapidly for the last three to four year which gives the bank an opportunity to go ahead in this area. MCB can go for the new products launch by different banks like HBL ATM bill payment, UBL Omni Dukan, UBL Business Partner, UBL Selah Mila etc MCB can open new overseas branches to expand its branches and operations to compete with its competitors. MCB can finance to small industries and handicrafts industries and can launch more effective and new well managed online banking system. MCB can also increase Islamic banking to boost the business of the bank. MCB can also go for the student finance service and it can also introduce mobile ATM. THREATS OF MCB: Threat can define as a change in external environment which if not met with proper strategies will result in loss of revenues. In the context of MCBs external environment the following potential threats exist MCB greatest threat is from other private commercial banks with sound success e.g. UBL, Alfalah, and HBL etc. The threat which every organization including MCB in Pakistan is facing is of the political and economic instability. Changes in the government policies have badly affected the banking business as the banks have to wait to get permission of state bank. The war against terrorism has negatively affect Pakistans economy, which may affect MCB. Another threat for MCB is from the prosperous foreign banks. MCB have to upgrade its system and should launch new and innovative products so compete with its foreign competitors. Pakistan is an Islamic state where mostly people are Muslims and are abide by the religious laws which dont allow them to use some features of banks like Interest on deposits so they dont prefer banking culture. The new product like UBL Selah Mila is a great threat to MCB as they are giving discounted mark ups to those customers who have good credit history and trying to get the customers of MCB. The decrease in the purchasing power of the customers in the current economic situation affects the banking sector too much and the result is the low investment from the investors in new projects. RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendations are basically pinning out the weaker areas of the organization and develop strategies to overcome these weaker areas by giving suggestions. After working as an internee in MCB for the period of two months I am able to make the following recommendations for the bank. The most important area where MCB has to improve is its advertisement. MCB should give proper advertisement of its products extensively to create awareness about the products and to capture the large market share. MCB should decorate the branches as the most of the modern banks attract customers with their modern office looks and fresh environment. MCB should recruit the applicants on the basis of merit and skills. The HR department of MCB should not recruit the applicants on the basis of Favoritism and Nepotism. HR department of MCB should give proper training to its employees so that they can cope up with the future challenges and they should arrange different workshops for the employees on better communication of staff with customers. In MCB training should be provided with job rotation so as to make the employees talented enough to do others work in case of emergency. MCB should introduce the new, better and transparent reward system because it is very important requirement in order to reduce the problems regarding employee retention and employee motivation. MCB should announce the proper time for Launch Break, so that the employees do their work more efficiently. The staff should be given some sort of decision making authority that enables the employees involvement and boosts employees trust and confidence. MCB should also introduce new and innovative products so as to compete with its competitors. ATM machine must be maintained accurately to make it more convenient for the customers and to decrease the work load of the employees especially in the salary days. MCB should solve the problems regarding the link down and disconnection of SYMBOL software in order to provides more convenience to customers. The employees of MCB need more computer training. CONCLUSIONS MCB is using the SYMBOL software which is very efficient. The computerized branches have enhanced the performance of the bank. The bank provides a favorable environment for career growth. The bank gives too low rate of interest on deposits because of which customers are shifting to other banks. Recently MCB bank has implemented the centralized system which decreases the efficiency because of delay in work and low employee involvement. The procedure for the accounts opening is too lengthy as now forms are sent to Karachi Head office for approval. The large branch network, ATM installation and diversified products provide the bank a competitive advantage. The main focus of the bank is their customers and they are providing the customers different diversified products with minimum service charges. Finally I concluded that MCB is the very good organization for the long carrier working. The branch officers are very efficient, skillful, loyal and competent. The officers of my branch are very hard working usually they work more than their working hours which show their loyalty and commitment towards MCB. I found myself very lucky to work with one of the prestigious bank and to get the practical knowledge about MCB and its present scenario. It was a very challenging and informative experience. I came to know about the working of the banking sector and whatever I have learned was very enlightening. I come to know many things like opening of an account, closing of an account, how to active the dormant account, about the clearance and remittance procedure etc. I came to know the actual working of bank and whatever I studied in the university was a great help and I was able to apply my theoretical knowledge by implementing it during the internship.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Economy stability, standard of living, labour laws and disparity of wea

Economy stability, standard of living, labour laws and disparity of wealth and product. Flowers are beautiful. Flowers can grow in the wild, alone, with only nature affecting their growth, or they can grow in a greenhouse, where all their conditions are controlled. With either option we find different effects on the flowers. In nature the environment can destroy the flower, but the flower in the greenhouse lacks natural nutrients received by the outside world and usually become withered. This can be related to government control within the economy. With too much control, the economy can become smothered and with not enough, it can collapse upon itself, therefore a healthy balance must be found. This brings up the issues of economy stability, standard of living, labour laws and disparity of wealth and product. On the right side of the spectrum we find capitalism. Capitalism is an ideal of free trade with no government involvement in the economy. It was created by Adam smith, and exercises the theories of laissez faire. Although in a capitalist economy the economy can see great times of boom or bust. Monopolies are also prevalent within these societies because there are no laws against such things. On the left of the spectrum we find socialism. Karl Marx created this concept. His was an ideal of scientific, where he stated there would eventually be no class, and a pattern would be followed in the economy. Another form of socialism is utopian created by Robert Owen. Owen believed the same concept, but he believed through providing more he would get more in return. This however did not happen because the workers ended up becoming lazy when they were guaranteed the things they needed. Socialism follows the ... ...risk the consequences of the abuse of people, poor quality goods and lack of advance in products. But if you have too little you face booms and bust, disparity, and an unstable economy. Finding equilibrium of the two extremes is a problem that nations struggle with constantly and a popular choice of many, including the successful Canada, is welfare capitalism. It's the best choice because it promotes the ideals of both capitalism and socialism. The spirit of capitalism with its free trade and market economy with advancing products and aggressive markets and the control of socialism with state programs like healthcare and unemployment coverage, education taxing and the regulation that government can provide. So when asked the question, to what extent should government be involved in the economy an impeccable answer that comes to mind is welfare capitalism.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

How are the young David and Cassie presented as victims in the novels E

How are the young David and Cassie presented as victims in the novels 'David Copperfield' and 'Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry' 'Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry' is a story about an African American girl growing up in a racist community in Mississippi during the 1930's. It shows her family as they struggle to survive in the racist community, try to keep their land and survive on the little money they get because of the fall in cotton prices due to the economic depression. David Copperfield on the other hand is about a boy growing up in a mid-Victorian world. With his family dieing around him, nowhere to live and people constantly taking advantage of him, David also has a hard time growing up. In Roll of thunder we see the whole story through the eyes of Cassie and how life is for her. Whilst in David Copperfield the story is told by David so we only see how he thought it happened. In this essay I am going to compare the way in which these two young people are treated as victims and whether their characters influence people to treat them inadequately. At home David has memories of a happy childhood, until his mother Clara remarries to a man called Mr Murdstone who victimised him. In the early days of David's existence he describes his life as being picture perfect. 'my mother and I and Peggoty-for Peggoty is quite our companion my mother reads to Peggoty and me there is nothing half as green as that grass' David loved his childhood he remembers everything to be idealistic which reminds us that the story is from David's point of view and may not be exactly how it was really. We can tell that he cherishes the time when it was only he Clara and Peggoty because of the emotive language used by the author. When Mr Mu... ...d into her, tackling her with such force that we both fell over' 'and she apologised for herself and her father' Cassie devised a foul proof plan to 'stitch' Lillian Jean up. She then bribed her into not telling anyone. Although her family are constantly victimised she knows that they shouldn't be treated in that way and so won't put up with it. David and Cassie are both treated as victims throughout their childhoods. I think on one hand David is treated like a victim because he doesn't know how he should be treated and doesn't stick up for himself and on the other Cassie is treated like a victim because she knows how she should be treated and speaks out about it. While David apologises for what he has done -usually nothing- Cassie plots her revenge. I think both stories show realistic points of view of two people struggling to survive their childhoods.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Matching Dell

The Matching Dell Business case by (Rivkin. J & Porter, M) defines the personal computer industry and outlines its history and development, with focus on Dell Computers. This paper will analyze the case study by means of the Strategic Situation Analysis and Planning Method (SSAP), by portraying and comparing Dell with its main competitors, namely: IBM, Compaq, Hewllet-Packard and Gateway. Approaching the strategic situation from SSAP method’s step number one, Financial Analysis, step number two, External Business Environment Analysis and step number three, Business and Corporate Strategy Analysis, an external analyst perspective will be drawn based on past , present and future trends that will be used to give recommendations of investments to potential investors. The Personal Computer Industry From its inception the computer industry was mainly composed of large corporations such as IBM and DEC and unaffordable, heavy hardware such as mainframe computers. Having a personal computer at home was a mere aspiration those days. Between 1975 and 1981 many discoveries occurred that gained popularity with electronic hobbyists, when pre-assembled personal computers entered the market. These computers were pioneered by firms such as Apple Computers, MITS and smaller ones such as Tandy/RadioShack and Commodore. Almost immediately, other major electronic firms entered the market of personal computers. These companies focused their business on other electronic industries before this. The pioneer of the first personal computer was IBM in 1981 and its success translated to a market share of 42% of the market two years later. Although, IBM produced most of the components for its mainframes computers, for PCs it purchased from others the required parts and then assembled the machines. The operating software for IBM’s first PC was custom-made by Microsoft, which was then just a start-up software firm. The microprocessor for the operating system (OS) was designed by Intel, another corporation that benefited from the partnership with IBM. Microsoft’s first operating system to IBM is the backbone structure for all the current versions of operating systems (OS) implemented by Microsoft. A proprietary system developed by Apple, held 20% of the market by 1983. In 1982, another firm named Compaq entered the market with a low-priced portable clone and had $100 million in revenues during its first year, which turned out to be the fastest growing company in American history. By 1984, Dell Computer Corporation entered the market and transformed the way PCs were assembled and distributed. Historically, what has really revolutionized the PC industry was the establishment by IBM of an open architecture for their first PC, making its operating system and other proprietary information available to encourage software developers to write programs for the IBM PC and to motivate other firms to make compatible peripherals. Moreover, the unforeseen business strategy at IBM caused the company to become vulnerable to other market entrants and lost their sustainable competitive advantage, since many other IBM clones were manufactured. This cased the company to lose market share to competitors. Step One – Financial Analysis Financial Position Dell's financial history, like most company's, changes over different periods. These changes can be attributed to changes in the demand of the product, technological advancements, manufacturing costs, competition, and economic conditions. In 1999, the approximate cost of manufacturing a basic personal computer was between $800 and $900 (Kwak & Yoffie 1999). Dell sold computers directly, and through retail distributors. In 1994, Dell actually lost money on retail sales. When comparing Dell's direct sales to the retail channel it shows that there was a 5. % operating income through the direct sales, and a -3. 0% operating income in retail sales. Dell's market share increases from 1. 0 in 1990 to 13. 2 in 1998. Direct sales of Dell' personal computers through telephone, mail, and internet helped increase their market share. The total market size for the personal computer industry is $74. 6 million. Exhibit 4: Portion of Sales Through Each Channel by Region from the Matching Dell Case shows the highest channels in which personal computers are distributed in different geographic areas. In the Americas, the most popular channel is distributor/reseller which accounts for 41. 2% of sales, second is the direct channel which accounts for 29. 7% of sales, and third is the retail channel which accounts for 21. 7% of the sales. These three channels are the top channels world wide, and distributor/reseller is the channel with the highest percentage of sales across the board. Income Statements Dell and its competitors Compaq, Gateway, and HP all have had their revenues increase over the period between 1991 and 1998. The companies differ when the net income is compared from the same time period. In the Appendix, Table 4: Profit as a Percentage of Sales shows a comparison between 1991 and 1998. Profit as a percentage of sales is a note worthy calculation because it shows a ratio of profits to sales. If a company has high sales it does not necessarily mean that it will have high profits. In Table 4, you see that in 1998 Dell has the highest profit as a percentage of sales. Since Compaq has a negative net income in this year, its data is skewed. Dell percentage of sale has grown by 2. % in this seven year period. Using the calculation (This Year)/Base Year x 100 and data from 1991, to 1998 Dell sales increased 20. 5% and net income increased 28. 63%. This shows that profits increased more than sales in the same time period. This means that Dell became more efficient in production which yielded greater profits. Net income increasing more than sales shows Dell's efficiency in production and distribution. It cut costs of making and selling its computers to have a greater profit. In the appendix, Table 1 shows the year on year percent changes for Dell's sales. This table shows that Dell's sales continue to grow each year. Price Comparison Exhibit 9 in the Matching Dell Case shows Ratings of High-end Desktop PCs by Consumer Reports(1998). It is shown on the table that Dell's product sells for $2400, HP's product sells for $2200, Gateway's product sells for $2647, and Compaq's product sells for $2950. Data on the same table rates these computers on price, speed, quality, and other things customers value in computers with a scale of 1 being excellent and 5 being poor. When the customer ratings are averaged Gateway has a rating of 1. , Dell and HP have a rating of 2. 4, and Compaq has a rating of 2. 7. Dell is the lowest in price and second highest in rating. This shows that customers are satisfied with the dell computer, more so than some of the more expensive brands. Company Profitability Exhibit 11 from the case compares Major PC Manufactures and their financial data. Return on Equity(ROE) is calculated in this table and the major players can be compared. The ROE shows the profitability of a corporation because it shows how much profit is generated from the money the shareholders have invested. Dell has a ROE of 62. %, Gateway has a ROE of 25. 7%, HP has a ROE of 17. 4%, and Compaq has a ROE of -24. 2%. HP and Compaq have substantially more revenue than Dell. Compaq does not have a higher net income, but HP does. At first glance you would think that HP is a better company in regards to personal computers but when you look at the ROE you notice a difference. Out of all the major competitors in the personal computer industry Dell has the highest ROE. Therefore it is the most successful company in this market. It would be recommended that investors invest in Dell to achieve the most out of their investment. Revenues Dell's company became more successful when it withdrew from retail in 1994. It was losing money by distributing its computers in this channel and learned from its mistakes. In 1996 it started its website which provided another opportunity for customers to order from them directly. Exhibit 11 also shows that Dell keeps its cost structure lower than its competitors. When something is not benefiting the company, Dell does not wait, it acts on it and tries to continue to make Dell a successful corporation. Compaq has very, very high revenues but there are obviously major problems with the company. Its net income and ROE are negative numbers, which shows that the company is not profitable in 1998. Compaq only has 4. 4% of sales from direct sales, where Dell has 86. 6%. This is a major advantage to Dell because there is no middle man and Dell can obtain all profits. In ratings of PC Vendors by Corporate Managers with PC buying Responsibility (Exhibit 8), Dell Ranks high in user satisfaction, extremely high in raw technology, second highest in pricing, and moderately high in service and support. Compaq ranks high in pricing but low in user satisfaction, raw technology, and all customer relations. Having quality customer services gives Dell an advantage over Compaq. Financial Conclusion The financial performance of Dell, Compaq, HP, Gateway and other companies in the PC industry we see that high revenues do not always translate into a profitable company. Shareholders and investors are looking for high returns on the amount they invest in their respected companies. Dell is the most profitable company as of 1998 with the highest return on investment. The most valued aspect of Dell's company at this time is the use of the direct sales channel. Also, Dell sells its computers at a cheaper price than its competitors but still ranks high in customer satisfaction surveys. Dell can offer a lower price by keeping its manufacturing and selling costs down. This way it can still make a profit and keep and attract customers. Dell started out as a small operation in a college dorm room and it continues to grow significantly on a yearly basis. Step Two – External Business Environment Analysis The market for computer systems and services is subject to intense price competition. In addition to several large branded companies, there are other branded and generic competitors. Dell competes primarily based on its technology, direct customer relationships, value, performance, customer service, quality, and reliability. Its main competitors are Compaq, and Gateway, both business are 90% PC dependent. However, due to Compaq’s low financial performance, HP was Dell’s primary competitor followed by Gateway in 1998. The main stakeholders group are: customers, competitors, suppliers, shareholders, employees and the government. In Table 6 in the Appendix theTarget [Customer-or-Client] – [Product-or-Service Connections] is shown. The PC competitive environment can be distinguished between its geographic and its customer categories. The geographic market for the PC industry is segmented by worldwide and U. S basis market share, while the customer category is segmented into: Large business, small & midsize business, home and small office, government and educational institutions. Based on the information from Exhibit 11 in the Matching Dell case, Compaq leads the U.  S and the worldwide market with 16. 4% and 16. 6% of PC shares respectively. Dell comes in second place with 10. 4% in the worldwide market share and 15. 1% in the U. S. PC market share. Gateway follows in behind both companies with a 4. 2% worldwide share and 8. 1% in the U. S. By comparing the major players we can see that Compaq is a leader in the market, however these market leadership if compared with the company’s financial information is not translated into profits, since it has a negative profit marking and a negative return on equity (ROE). ROE is one of the best measures of a corporation’s profitability, since it shows investors and stakeholders how much profit the company generates with the money shareholders have invested and for Compaq a negative ROE could be an indication that even if it has the greater market share amongst the PC industry there are problems with the bottom line net income and management issues. The customer group of Large Business is dominated by Dell Computers with 33. 6% market share followed by Compaq with 27. 5%. In the case of Small & Midsize business, Dell has a 37% against a 32. % market share held by Compaq. Moreover, in the Home & Small office PC sales customer category, Gateway has the leadership by large from its closest competitor HP with a 58. 2% share against a 33. 3% held by HP and Compaq comes next with a 28. 5% stake of the market. In addition, Gateway also has a leadership in the Education segment of the market, with a 8. 2% market share trailed by Compaq with 5. 3%. The government sectors is mostly equally divided amongst the PC industry competitors, with shares ranging from 5. 1% to 6. %, leveraging a very close competition. Growth rates and the percentage changes help to analyze and understand the companies being assessed. The overall performance of the PC industry has been assessed from 1989 to 1998 and the results are as follows: (Conclusions from Exhibit 2) Dell’s growth rate on average was 50. 5% for the period 1989 to 1998, while Compaq grew an average of 17. 9%. If this percentage change had not being analyzed in depth, one could think that Gateway had a greater growth than Dell Computers; from its inception it had an 87. % growth rate. However, if the first two years of operation were removed from the calculations, we can see that the actual growth rate for Gateway’s would only be 19. 5%, which would place it behind Dell. Compaq had and average growth of 17. 9% in the same period. Five forces competitive analysis and industry value chain (Diagram 1). Dell manufactures most of the products it sells and has manufacturing locations worldwide to service its global customer base. Dell believes that its manufacturing processes and supply-chain management techniques provide it a distinct competitive advantage. Its build-to-order manufacturing process is designed to allow Dell to significantly reduce cost while simultaneously providing customers the ability to customize their product purchases. In addition, Dell purchases some of its products from third-party original equipment manufacturers and resells them under the Dell name. Dell’s manufacturing process consists of assembly, software installation, functional testing, and quality control. Testing and quality control processes are also applied to components, parts, and subassemblies obtained from third-party suppliers. Quality control is maintained through the testing of components, subassemblies, and systems at various stages in the manufacturing process. Quality control also includes a burn-in period for completed units after assembly, on-going production reliability audits, failure tracking for early identification of production and component problems, and information from Dell’s customers obtained through services and support programs.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Hiroshima- Book Report

Hiroshima – John Hersey Book Report – Natalie Kirby Hiroshima by John Hersey is a collection of biographies from six survivors from the bombing of Hiroshima. John Hersey wrote this book as an essay at first, but then the New York newspaper made a big deal out of it and how good it was. So a few months later he got it published. The setting of this book is in Hiroshima, Japan during the bombing (1945) and after the bombing.John Hersey wrote this book to tell what these six people were doing when the bomb hit, how they survived, what their reaction was to the damage and the aftermath of their lives. This book wasn’t all that interesting but I liked the part where Mr. Tanimoto was running to get to his church and city. Along the why he found his wife and their new born infant, yet he did not embrace them instead he simply said, â€Å"Oh, good your safe. † Then he listened to his wife tell him how she got out and where she was heading.After that the two split up again. I think it is interesting how shock can affect people. In this book John Hersey explains what each person was doing during the day minutes before the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. All of the six people were going about their business on what they thought was going to be a normal day. Miss. Toshnki Sasaki was a clerk in the East Asia Tin Works, Dr. Masakazu was a physician a few family problems, Mrs. Hatsuyo Nakamura was a Tailor’s widow, Father Wilhelm Kliensorge was a German priest, Dr.Terufumi Sasaki was a young surgeon, and Mr. Kiyoshi Tanimoto was a pastor of the Hiroshima Methodist Church. All of them experienced an extremely bright flash that momentarily blinded them. Seconds later they were pushed out away from the center were the bomb was dropped. Most of them were buried under the debris of the buildings they were in or standing right next to. Then they all went into shock and migrated to the park, which was not affected by the bomb, for shelter many grabb ed clothes and food that was still good.As the people went to the park they suffered many problems caused by the radiation in the bomb and had to make many hospital visits. The last part of the book is the aftermath and how the people lived their lives after the bombing. This book was a very informational, however I would not recommend it to someone looking for an action filled or just a good read. Also I would only recommend this book to 8th graders and higher.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Science, Health, and Medicine

Science, Health/Medicine The 1980s was a huge breakthrough for science and medicine. A lot of drugs were invented and medical procedures were carried out for the first time. Some of the medicinal inventions were: * 1980, the hepatitis-B vaccine. * 1982, human growth hormone genetically engineered. * 1983, Soft bifocal contact lens invented. * 1986, Synthetic skin invented by G. Gregory Gallico, III. * 1987, the introduction of Prozac; it transformed the treatment of depression. * 1989, The RU-486 (abortion pill) invented. In 1982, the first ever artificial human heart, made by Dr.Robert Jarvik, was implanted into Barney Clark; he survived for 112 days. In 1984, in the Loma Linda Medical Center, baby Faye's heart is explanted and replaced with a baboon heart. She survived for 3 weeks but died of a kidney infection which could or could have not have been caused by the new heart her body might have been rejecting. Stephanie Fae Beauclair Stephanie Fae Beauclair In 1984, researchers iden tified the virus that caused AIDS as HIV and in 1986, it was recognised that AIDS was transmitted through heterosexual contact as well as homosexual contact. Test tube baby (In vitro fertilisation)In vitro fertilisation is a process where the egg is fertilised by the sperm outside of the body in a test tube and is a procedure that is used for people who aren’t able to have a baby the natural way. Once the egg has been fertilised outside the body, it is transferred into the uterus so that it can have a natural birth like any other baby. Even though the first in vitro baby was born in 1978, the number of IVF babies had risen in the 80s because of huge improvements to the treatment. Australia’s first IVF baby was born in 1980, USA’s in 1981 and in Sweden and France, 1982.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Jesters Pies

The report examines an in depth analysis of the Jesters Pies and its brand equity in the market. The report also looks at the brand associations of the product through which it is being recalled by the consumer. Interviews will be taken by consumers of Jesters Pies in order to get an understanding of the brand association. This will show what consumers feel, think and do with the brand. The report will also look at the elements that make the brand up and make it was it is which includes the logo, URL , name and slogan. This is an important part of a company because if these elements aren’t used in a correct way then there is a higher chance the brand won’t be as successful. Having an effective name, logo and slogan can have a huge effect, just look at Nike and their ‘tick’ symbol. The third part of the report will focus on the Jesters marketing programme. This includes an analysis on the product, pricing, communication and distribution of the brand. This is more about how the company operates in actual business rather than what the consumers think about the brand of the company. Finally to wrap the Jesters report up recommendations will be made to the CEO of the company. These will be based on the consumer knowledge and marketing evaluation. These recommendations will be made so the company can use them in the future to help improve their business and overall brand. Company Profile Jesters are a franchising company in New Zealand who are specialist in making and selling pies. Their menu ranges from the traditional Beef Pie to the not so traditional Spud Delux. Their company motto sums them up pretty well; â€Å"serious about pies†. Jesters are New Zealand wholly owned and managed Pie Company. However the first original concept of it was started in Perth in 1997 when the idea of making the finest, healthiest pies in the market, was first created. Jesters pride their Jaffle Pie range to be of good quality, fresh, taste and health. Jesters are located in four cities nation wide which includes Auckland, Christchurch, Wellington and Dunedin. With the first being opened in 2002 at Lynn Mall shopping centre. The business is spreading fast with 34 stores being opened in Western Australia and many more planned. The reason for success Jesters feel is because of the niche $1 billion fast food industry, which they feel, is growing fast. Also because of the uniqueness of the brand and products for sale are new and interesting for the consumer. With over 15 varieties of pies Jesters feels there is something for everyone. The company also caters for your family or a party along with the sit in restaurant layout. The company promises to the customer†¦Ã¢â‚¬ you’ll never stop at one!† (Jesters, about Jesters, 2007) Analysis of Marketing Mix Product Jesters Pies is a unique company in the New Zealand market. Even though the product they are selling is just a pie, which can be brought from any bakery, it is the first to sell them in a fast food style restaurant. Jesters Pies offers 15 varieties of pies which appeal to a wide variety of customers. This is important because you want to cater to as many people as possible so you get more customers. Jesters also diverse their product from other pies by confidently saying that theirs are the healthiest and finest in the market. Another attribute of the pies is that the filling is low fat, lean meats and fresh vegetables, which you probably couldn’t say about your local bakery pie. The final attribute of the product is no artificial colourings, preservatives and MSG are used. This is a good look for the product as it has become so important for consumers in recent times to eat healthy, fresh food (Jesters Pies, 2007). Price Pricing is very important for a brand as it can create associations in the mind of the consumer. It can also be used to build brand equity. So a company needs to price its products correctly in order to get the most out of the consumer. Jesters’ pies are ranged from $3.50 to $4.10. With the $3.50 pies being the classic beef, mince and bacon and egg and the more expensive pies are the fancier ones with more ingredients such as the Popeye which contains spinach mushroom and feta. The pricing strategy they have I feel is good as the consumer gets what they are paying for. The pies are more expensive than the bakery, but are of much better quality and better ingredients are used. Distribution Channel Distribution can have a huge effect on the equity and success of a brand. Distribution is so important because it is the process of getting the product to the consumer. Jesters use a direct channel method to distribution where they sell their product straight to the consumer through their stores. This is probably the most effective way for a brand like Jesters .Jesters Pies stores can be found around New Zealand and in some parts of Australia. They are located in four cities in New Zealand. However all the stores in the Auckland area are found a long way out from central Auckland, with only one store being located in the CBD. However they do have stores located throughout the country so their distribution is pretty good. Promotion/Marketing Communication Promotion and marketing is very important for almost every brand in any industry. Without it you would not be able to get your product into the market and gain awareness from your potential consumers. Jesters have not done a huge amount of advertising that we could recall or find. From what we did find was mostly advertising for magazine and billboards. This could be one reason for the fact that their brand awareness amongst consumers is not very strong. Television is the strongest form of media and is the best for developing a brand image and creating awareness. However even without this the brand seems to be getting more popular which could be put down to things such as word of mouth. With a bit more promotion and marketing the brand could become very popular as it is a unique fast food outlet. Brand equity for Jester Pies Brand equity is an intangible asset that depends on associations made by the consumer. There are various perspectives from which to view brand equity. Brand equity just does not include the value of the brand, but it also includes the value of proprietary technologies, patents, trademarks and other intangibles like manufacturing know how (article 1). So in case of jesters pies, jesters jaffle pies are not oven baked like traditional pie, but they are cooked in a unique jaffle pie makers using ultra-thin light puff pastry and finest quality natural ingredients. Therefore the the difference in technical know how adds to the brand equity of the product. (article2.) Another way to measure the brand equity is the financial aspect of the brand. In this case one way to measure brand equity is to determine the price premium that the brand commands over a generic product. In case of jester’s pies, the pies are priced at $ 3.40 which is normally higher than most of the pies in the market place. As jesters pies have positioned itself as a quality product and people are also willing to pay more for a quality product, it commands high brand equity. Brand equity also represents the added value endowed to a particular product or a service as result of past investments in the marketing of the brand. (Article 1). In case of jesters pies it commands very good brand equity due to its advertising and promotion. Jesters pies has used three mediums of advertising that is print radio and TV. Brand equity also helps the brand to grow globally.( article 1) As jesters pies is a successful brand in Australia, it can use its good brand equity to expand further in new Zealand and other countries as well. Brand Associations These are the things that consumer relates or associate when they think about the brand. It can be how the brand makes them feel, what they think of the brand, what comes to their mind when they think of the brand or even what they do with the brand. The interviews were limited as we only interviewed four people, however the information we got back was good as all consumers had pretty similar answers. This shows that the consumers are all getting similar associations with the Jesters Pies brand. From the answers to the interviews we came up with the following brand associations. †¢ People are aware of the jesters pies because of its logo and the colours used in it. †¢ Most of the people when asked about jesters pies, they have a positive response like, ‘good quality for the price’. So they provide incredible value for money by giving fresh, quality natural ingredients. They also provide fresh vegetables, lean meats and guarantee every pie meets health standards. †¢ People are also attracted towards jesters pies are because of the variety of the pies and value meals the company provides. †¢ People associate jester’s pie as specialised pie outlet. †¢ Most people think jesters as a healthy meal which is free of artificial flavourings, colourings and MSG. †¢ People don’t associate jester’s pie with its other products like sausage rolls, wedges, or coffee. But they feel that some changes can be made by introducing chips to the menu. Recommendations This report has analysed the Jesters Company. It has looked not only the marketing programme side but also the side of the consumer. From what we have found from looking at these components the following recommendations can be made- †¢ Firstly from what was gathered in the interviews not a lot of the consumers had seen much Jesters advertising and if they had it wasn’t very effective. Jesters should start advertising through the most effective medium, TV, this will increase brand awareness. †¢ Another recommendation follows on from the previous one. Jesters need to develop more awareness amongst its target customers. From people we have spoken to a lot of them were unaware of Jesters pies and the brand itself. In order to be successful brand awareness needs to be built up amongst the potential customers. †¢ Another issue gathered from the interviews was that the people who consumed Jesters said they were limited because of the lack of restaurants in handy locations. Perhaps to get more out there in the market they could locate some stores in key areas like around universities and more locations in the CBD

Friday, September 13, 2019

Annotated Biography Essays - Sport Club Do Recife, Sport

Annotated Biography Dayton, Kels. "Ask a Coach: Should I Specialize in One Sport in High School?"SportzEdge. News 8, 16 Sept. 2013. Web. 27 Dec. 2015.>. I used this article to support my claim that playing more than one sport in high school is good for athletes. You get a firsthand look at what college coaches look for from an actual college coach who knows about recruiting and has been doing so for 20 plus years. You also get examples of great athletes who played multiple sports in high school who are sports super stars such as LeBronJames Fakehany, Tom. "ONE-SPORT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETES."1 Sport Athletes. 18 Dec. 1995. Web. 27 Dec. 2015.>. This article counters my claim that playing multiple sports is beneficial. The article states that even though schools support playing multiple sports focusing on one main sport is the best way to get recruited forthatsport.Frollo, Joe. "Playing Multiple Sports Builds Better Athletes." Playing Multiple Sports Builds Better Athletes. 24 Oct. 2014. Web. 27 Dec. 2015.>. This article supports my claim that playing multiple sports will benefit more than hurt athletes in the long run. In the article there are examples of how playing multiple sports can help them develop duplicate skills to help them a better all-around athlete. "One Sport Athletes."High School Sports Stuff. 20 Jan. 2015. Web. 27 Dec. 2015.>. This article supports my claim that playing multiple sports is good.thearticle includes great points about skills picked from different sports that can be used in another sport. It also includes points about athletes who are not looking to be recruited, but who play for the fun of playing. Oz, M.D., Mehmet, and Michael Roizen, M.D. "Kids Should Play More Than One Sport."Newsmax. 8 Oct. 2014. Web. 27 Dec. 2015.>. This article supports my claim that playing multiple sports is good. The article includes facts from doctors about over repetitiveness from playing just one sport is a very high risk for injury. Satterfield,Lem. "Coaches Recognize Competitiveness in Players Who Play Multiple Sports."ESPN. ESPN Internet Ventures, 4 Oct. 2011. Web. 27 Dec.2015.>. This article supports my claim that playing multiple is very beneficial for athletes. In this article collegecoaches give their reasons for wanting to recruit multiple sport athletes because of their competitiveness. Wippel, Teresa. "Should Your Child Play Just One Sport?"-ParentMap. 1 Mar. 2007. Web. 27 Dec. 2015.>. This depicts my claim that playing more than one sport is beneficial. The article includes points about the pressure being too much for kids to handle with doing more than one sport.

Career at IT Design Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 135

Career at IT Design - Personal Statement Example I hold a bachelor of graphic design from the University of Toronto and a certificate in CAD and Architectural design. My experience in several organizations, which include POP Advertising, RAB-E-commerce Company among other New York-based companies, has given name an opportunity to develop my skills and competence. I left my last job at IT Design in search of independence in terms of seeking to establish a quality that I would be proud of, and I did an at-home painting for two years after this last job. My biggest weakness is the inability to control my tempers when it comes to interpersonal conflict. In one of my previous employment, I was once forced to leave the job without notice after a bitter exchange of words with a senior manager. I did not want to engage myself in the conflict. However, I was recalled when investigations showed that I was on the right. I would like to join a company in which my innovative mind will be fully engaged to produce quality designs and in which my skills and experience will be well utilized to help me reach greater heights.